USSC Foundation Technical Advisors are experts in their given fields. Each one has decades of experience and knowledge related to building, installing and maintaining a commercial sign. They are available to answer questions and for consultation in their core areas. In addition to assisting USSCF Supporting Members, the USSCF Technical Advisors can provide assistance to a wide variety of individuals and organizations, including: planners, attorneys, municipalities, county and regional governments, sign owners, and sign and graphic designers, to name but a few of the types of groups the USSC Foundation has helped in the past.

USSC Foundation Electrical and Fire Safety Advisor
Randy Wright
RKW Consulting
Randy represents our Foundation as the Electrical and Fire Safety Advisor. He will continue to provide member services to the members of USSCF. A 38 year veteran of the electric commercial sign industry, 45 year active Life Member of the volunteer fire service, an Advanced Certificate in Business Management from Penn State University, and many industry and fire related courses.
Randy serves currently as the NEC Code Panel 18 Special Expert since 1989 and having the distinction of being a member of the NEC Quarter Century Club. Randy provides direct input to the composition of the National Electric Code.
Serves as a member in the General Category on the (STP) Standard Technical Panels for UL Product Standards for signs and related categories. The panel provides direct industry issues and concerns in standard composition.
Represents United States Sign Council Foundation (USSCF) on (SIBP) UL Sign Industry Business Panel providing direct contact and planning with UL management in conjunction with other industry sign associations.
Currently serves as a sign consultant providing written materials such as published articles and documents, expert testimony, seminar presentation, education for sign companies, fire investigators, electrical inspectors, and the insurance industry.

Philip M. Garvey
USSC Foundation Research Advisor
Garvey & Associates
Mr. Garvey’s academic background is in psychology, visual perception and experimental design. He has been designing and running human factors research experiments that explore the interaction between humans and their visual environment for over thirty years. Mr. Garvey has been conducting original human factors research to evaluate and improve the effectiveness of commercial signs since 1994, and has worked with the USSC Foundation on over ten (10) studies since 1996. His research studies have examined the impact of commercial signs in the environment, and the effect on sign visibility of font, color, internal vs external illumination, mounting height, lateral offset, parallel vs perpendicular mounting, conventional sign lighting levels, and most recently, electronic message center brightness levels. Mr. Garvey wrote the human factors chapter on signage for the Handbook of Transportation Engineering published by McGraw-Hill, the wayfinding sign section of the FHWA’s Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD), and the Abu Dhabi and Dubai Outdoor Advertising Control Manuals.

Richard Crawford
USSC Foundation Legislative and Zoning Advisor
Mercer Sign Consultants
215-345 1481
Richard Crawford is a licensed attorney and has worked in the on-premise sign industry since 1983. He served as legislative consultant to the former USSC from 2002 to 2017 and managed all USSC Foundation research since 1998. He is co-author of the American Planning Association’s latest edition of Street Graphics and the Law, as well as co-author of the USSCF On-Premise Sign Model Code, the USSCF Guideline Standards for On-Premise Signs, and is author of the new USSC Foundation Guideline Standards for On-Premise Sign Lighting. From 2002 to 2011, he served on multiple committees of the International Code Council. He has lectured extensively on subjects ranging from Sign Design to Electronic Signs to Game Theory and Signs, and has assisted members on a wide range of issues, including sign permits, sign variances, code research and sign safety studies.
The Sign Exchange 2022 has been canceled.
The USSC Foundation Board has decided, for a variety of reasons, it is in the best interests of all to cancel the Sign Exchange for 2022.
We wish to thank all loyal Exhibitors and Supporting Members for their participation, and look forward to new opportunities in 2023.
538 North Street
Doylestown PA 18901
Phone: 215-345-1481
Stay in touch with the USSC Foundation for updates on sign industry happenings, like our annual convention, The Sign Exchange.