On-premise sign research is the fundamental mission of the USSC Foundation. Since 1998, the USSCF has completed over twenty (20) studies and analyses focused solely on on-premise signs issues. At the core of this research has been an effort to define the necessary design characteristics of on-premise signs to promote and insure traffic safety. On-premise signs perform a critical role in the wayfinding system that drivers use to get from Point A to Point B, and signs that cannot function as intended, whether they be too low, or too small, or placed in a disadvantageous position, can compromise this very vital activity.
Signs that comply with the principles derived from USSC Foundation research can be compatible with the built-environment, complimentary to community values, and impart information that is important to both drivers and sign owners.
In addition, the USSC Foundation has examined issues relating to the economic impact of on-premise signs, how to deal with signs and zoning, as well as game theory and sign regulation.

USSC Foundation research and guidelines standards on: sign size, letter height, wall sign size, sign height, electronic signs and sign lighting, in addition to a Model Code and sign standards. A majority of this research was performed at the Pennsylvania State University, State College, PA.
Research performed by the USSCF was used in the creation of the original International Code Council’s (ICC) International Zoning Code and USSCF Guideline Standards for On Premise Signs have been included the two most recent editions of the American Planning Association’s Street Graphics and the Law (2004 and 2015).
The USSC Foundation has curated a collection of publications and research done by others that may be useful to professionals, sign companies and sign users.
The USSC Foundation has curated a collection of technical videos and how-to demonstrations on a wide variety of topics relevant to the average US sign company
The Sign Exchange 2022 has been canceled.
The USSC Foundation Board has decided, for a variety of reasons, it is in the best interests of all to cancel the Sign Exchange for 2022.
We wish to thank all loyal Exhibitors and Supporting Members for their participation, and look forward to new opportunities in 2023.
538 North Street
Doylestown PA 18901
Phone: 215-345-1481
Stay in touch with the USSC Foundation for updates on sign industry happenings, like our annual convention, The Sign Exchange.