
Levels of Foundation support for research:

Benefactor ($25-$999)

Company name as listed a Donor in USSCF’s newsletter and on USSCF website

Founder ($1,000+)

Company recognition and written profile in USSCF newsletter and email communications; recognition as a USSCF Founder in the Exhibit Hall at The Sign Exchange in Atlantic City NJ.

Chairman ($10,000+)

In addition to above, Chairman receive quarterly updates on status of Foundation research and other sign industry research, as well as an and-one invitation to the annual USSC Foundation dinner in Atlantic City.

Sign Research Society

For organizations and individuals who wish to make a directed donation to USSCF earmarked specifically for research only

Advanced Research Society

For organizations and individuals who wish to make a directed donation to USSCF earmarked for an announced specific research project

Whether you’re new in the sign business or are a sign industry veteran, USSC Foundation has something to offer. From university level research studies to the most unique sign convention in the US, The Sign Exchange. Contact USSCF today to get started!
